



  1. To develop a 3D city model of Munich to develop district concepts to implement the climate-neutrality goals by 2030 for the municipal building stock and 2035 for the remaining building stock. The model should contain the following information:
    1. a building model showing building materials with urban mining potential including toxicity levels
    2. vacancy rate (occupancy rate)
    3. renovation potential of attic spaces
    4. building greening potential of existing buildings
    5. energy efficiency standard
    6. building energy supply
    7. energy use plan
    8. heat islands
    9. urban greening and building greening
  2. Mandatory data sheets detailing recyclability and toxicity of all building materials used during construction
  3. Obligatory dismantling concept for all building materials
  4. Building planning applying lifecycle-optimizd and lifecycle-based processes from 2020, e.g. including gray energy, winter construction, dismantling.
  5. Lifecycle costing-based design instead of investment-based design.
  6. Greater building and district value created through cradle to cradle principles instead of externalizing high environmental impact costs
  7. Greater promotion of maintaining and further developing exisitng buildings instead of new construction. New buildings are to be built only if the new replacement building has a significantly greater energy standard than the renovated existing building, thus conpensating for grey energy during operation.
  8. Increase building service life:
    • only pollutant-free, healthy construction
    • sufficient floor height to consider future building use conversions, e.g. as office space
    • barrier-free construction
    • exchangable and easy to maintain building services
    • sufficient structural carrying capacity for future building uses
    • flexible floor plan design (i.e. few load-bearing walls allow floor plan changes)”
  9. Recyclable buildings through:
    • exclusive use of recyclable and healthy, non-toxic building materials following the Cradle to Cradle principles
    • Renewable building materials are not to be contaminated by chemical treatments
    • Technical building materials must be sortable by type, separable and recyclable; no composite materials!
    • detatchable connections
    • Material passports and documentation of built construction materials
  10. Consider the climate relevance of building materials through:
    • intensifying use of renewable building materials as a CO2 sink
    • avoid using CO2-intensive building materials like concrete, steel, aluminium, etc.
      include the carbon footprint of building materials in the concept for a climate-neutral building stock until 2030.
  11. Increase quality assurance significantly on the construction site by increasing checks by specialist planers, random samples, and acceptance measurements
    Question needs in terms of sufficiency: apartment sizes, furnishings, and space requirements
  12. Develop concepts to prevent unoccupied properties purchased by investment groups
  13. Develop concepts for sufficient housing management: e.g. multi-generational housing projects, shared common rooms, and apartment exchanges
  14. More competitions instead of VgVs for city-owned construction measures




  1. Significant refurbishment rate increase
  2. Set ambitious values for final energy consumption instead of primary energy consideration according to EnEV
  3. Promote private, decentralised energy production (photovoltaics, solar thermal energy …)
  4. Combine photovoltaic modules over green roofs including on city-owned buildings
  5. Implement concepts for energy and heat supply on a building, neighbourhood, and city levels
  6. Use storage systems for surplus renewable energy across the whole city
  7. Conceive energy and heat supply solutions in a regional network. Purchasing existing geothermal heat and energy generation from surrounding rural areas is not a solution!
  8. The connection of buildings to district heating must no longer be an excuse for a poorer insulation standard! District heating in Munich is currently not based on 100% renewable energy sources. The SWM’s district heating vision includes not only geothermal energy but also waste incineration!
  9. Waste incineration (“thermal recycling”) of residual waste ensures that valuable fossil fuel-based resources can never be recycled. Waste incineration is not a renewable energy source and therefore should not be evaluated or promoted as such!
  10. Mandatory building energy consulting with an overall concept for all renovation measures instead of individual renovation measures


Plant & Animal Life


  1. Every building must be a habitat for the local flora and fauna by providing outdoor facilities, green façades and biodiversity roofs
  2. In all new construction and renovation projects, the highest quality green walls and green roofs must be installed with the largest possible surface area
  3. Green walls should be part of public spaces so that no additional rent is due to the city
  4. The urban forest must be preserved starting from today during any planned construction projects and site planning must be optimized to accomodate preserving the urban forest. It takes years for newly planted trees to mature until they reach the ecological and climatic quality of older trees!
  5. Creating an urban green corridor through the city, i.e. expanding connecting corridors and areas between parks and green spaces
  6. Compensation measures at the same place, not outside the city! Compensation measures at the same place, not outside the city!
  7. Establish quality control of permanent urban building greening
  8. Making interiors in public buildings greener and promoting greening of interiors citywide
  9. Increase near-surface evaporation through mandatory water and green areas (to be defined in the city development plan)
  10. Only allow water-permeable surfaces in open spaces and traffic areas (e.g. parking spaces, interior courtyards, and traffic-calmed areas) by specifying water-permeable surfaces in the development plan – also for building conversions
  11. Roof waterproofing must be carried out with herbicide-free waterproofing or in such a way that no herbicides from the roof waterproofing enter the water cycle
  12. Promote urban farming and gardening in city districts
  13. Concept development to encourage people to become involved in projects that bring more nature into the city




  1. Plan the city using holistically mixed urban planning according to the Cradle to Cradle principle quickly adapting Cradle to Cradle as a standard
  2. Free public transport
  3. Separate public transport spatially from private transport, i.e. trams and buses should not be stuck in traffic jams
  4. Ensure a coherent & flowing cycle path network without detours (Altstadtradlring, city council decision, …)
  5. Make footpaths and cycle paths attractive & safe
  6. Implement a continuous network for cargo bicycles
  7. Create secure, i.e. theft-proof and weather-protected, storage facilities for (cargo) bicycles
  8. Revise the parking space statutes, ensuring promotion of climate-friendly transport, and allowing for additional parking spaces for climate-friendly transportation
  9. Future mobility concepts require inclusion of infrastructure solutions in urban and property planning
  10. Use climate-friendly and recyclable construction materials also for mobility infrastructure




  • Develop a concept for successive waste reduction by creating incentives for recycling products and systems
  • Develop a concept for reducing construction and demolition waste
  • Promote building component exchanges
  • Promote repair and swap shops
  • Promote innovative ideas, companies, start-ups, initiatives, etc. in the city that develop recycling concepts according to the Cradle to Principle Principle.
  • Provide the opportunity to compost organic waste from composting organic “waste” on site within building development plans. A neighbourly relationship to compost production motivates residents to separate their “waste”.


Quality of Life


  • Create versatile open spaces allowing room for encounters and participation, e.g:
    • Maintaining greenery and planting
    • Providing public space for creativity
    • Sharing concepts
  • Promote roofs as a habitat for plants, animals and people, also in existing buildings
    Financial promotion of small-scale shop structures (Paris model)
  • Orient to the Common Good as an immediate standard for urban planning and construction measures
  • Quantifying, securing and increasing the satisfaction and health of people in the city, e.g. with a Local Life Happiness Index




  • Promote the expansion of rainwater and recycled water use
  • Require rainwater seepage in development plans
  • Promote rainwater retention areas
  • Protect groundwater streams and reservoirs more intensely




  • Introduce competitions to integrate entertaining and healthy activities into the existing urban landscape
  • Create a tool for involving residents in the design process of public spaces and to evaluate measures
  • Develop a transparent concept to create open spaces for personal development
  • Encourage scientific studies to determine which construction measures are effective in the long term to improve physical and mental health




We demand that the City of Munich in the Free State of Bavaria supports:


  1. Promoting timber construction by revising the fire safety regulations in the timber construction guidelines following the example of other German Federal States
  2. Fix recyclable, climate-friendly and health-compatible construction as an integral part of all education, training and further training courses in the building industry. Only recyclable, climate-friendly and health-compatible construction is taught: not as an additional course or separate chair, but in all courses and by all chairs


Federal / EU


We demand that the City of Munich commits itself to the federal government for:


  1. Uniform transnational building regulations template for recyclable, climate-friendly, and healthy construction
  2. Concept development and implementation for a hazardous and residual waste-free German waste management industry
  3. All products must prove to be biodegradable or technically recyclable
  4. New regulations for manufacturer’s responsibilities: The manufacturer is responsible for bringing all non-biodegradable products back to the technical loop
  5. Financing for recyclable construction materials
  6. CO2 price according to the specifications of the Federal Environment Agency (as of 02/2020: 180€/t)
  7. Increased research funding to biodegradable and technically recyclable building materials (no composite materials)